Life lessons from nearly a decade of writing a family column.
A thank you letter for the simple life lessons a dog can teach us.
Janine Caldwell, friend and author of the Young Adult Fantasy Vortex Series, helps decide when YA is right for your preteen.
Kick off 2013 with a Daily Gratitude calendar to remind you of the blessings in life.
Pretend you’re a first grade teacher and have the courage to stand up against guns.
Kids have short term memory when it comes to the bad things they’ve done throughout the year.
Forget Elf on the Shelf. The Dust Bunny on the Shelf is the one who’s really gonna get ya.
Who needs Jesus when you can keep kids in line with Santa?
A holiday carol reworked to diffuse the stress of a house full of relatives for Thanksgiving.
Two step plan to losing three pounds in five days as opposed to Dr. Oz’s 3-day detox.
A poetic pleading to stop the madness by casting a vote.
New moms, save yourself while you can with these simple and easy Halloween costume ideas.
Having her son reach the teenage milestone makes Mom miss the mundane tasks of raising children.
Tri-ing to inspire my kids as a triathlete. Or be able to eat Oreos whenever I want. Hopefully, both.
Trying to monitor the kids’ downloads gets Mom hooked on silly apps.
Why wait for your kids to have kids just like them? The new solution to silent defiance.
The mystery is finally solved as to what would turn a “deposit” so freakishly green.
A cheat for husbands of what not to say if they’re hoping for a little nookie.
The ability for a mother to breathe is directly tied to the well-being of her children.
You can be good a keeping up in all rooms, or just one and everyone’s happy.