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Memoir Class

What’s your story to tell? Join students locally from Sacramento, nationally and internationally, in person or via Zoom, and get the tools and guidance to create a legacy.

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Latest Book

DON’T FORGET YOUR LUNCH is a quick-read book you can flip through for inspiration and advice or a saga of raising kids you just can’t put down.


Kelli M. Wheeler is an award-winning family columnist whose humorous and poignant tales of parenting were published for 16 years as Momservations ® both in print and online. She is the author of the Momservations® greatest hits book, DON’T FORGET YOUR LUNCH: Diapers to Diploma Parenting Wisdom and the humorous gift book MOMSERVATIONS®: THE FINE PRINT OF PARENTING.

She is also an accomplished freelance writer whose clients include former California First Lady Maria Shriver, Sacramento Parent, Bay Area Parent, Gannett News, and CBS Local. A favorite book she is published in is THE WAY OF GRATITUDE: Readings for a Joyful Life along with writings from Mary Oliver, J.K. Rowling, Jack Kornfield and Anne Lamott. Before becoming a full-time writer, Kelli worked in public relations and promotions and was a 5th grade teacher in the Elk Grove Unified School District.


How Letting Go Gave Author Kelli Wheeler Freedom in Midlife – by Kelli M. Wheeler

“I’ve always been a competitive person. In elementary school, I had to finish first, get an A+, and outrun any game of tag. This evolved into more as I grew older. I needed to be the first in line, in the fastest lane, the girl who knew the most about sports, the woman who could shut down any debate.

I thought this was who I was. I’m here on this earth to compete. I always saw it as a positive trait. I was praised and rewarded for my overachiever tendencies.

But then, I got a reality check.”

How 15-Year-Old Author Kate Ainley-Zoll Is Bolstering Women in STEM with Her New Book “Portraits of Perseverance” – by Kelli M. Wheeler

“Kate was waiting for our interview in the tiny house she built in her parent’s backyard. She was dressed professionally for a 15-year-old: turtleneck with a black blazer and black slacks. There she sat at her painted plywood desk. Homemade lemonade and Thin Mint cookies, fresh from her Girl Scout cookie inventory, were set out in front of her.”

Not So Happy With the State of the World? You Can Change Things for the Better—Here’s Where to Start. – by Kelli M. Wheeler

“Imagine if we all decided to change our little corner of the world for the better in any way we could, with even the simplest gestures. I wonder what it would look like?

I’ve always been a sit-in-the-front-of-the-classroom type person, eager to raise my hand and take a shot at the answers. I also have little patience for people who sit around and make suggestions but who don’t step up and make a decision.”

What Do You Want Your Corner of the World to Look Like? – by Kelli M. Wheeler

“It began because of my anxiety about becoming an Empty Nester. I was being designated for reassignment because my oldest had just returned to college and my youngest was about to be installed in her dorm room. I was going to miss the rewarding job of actively raising kids.

I also felt overwhelmed by the climate of hate and intolerance that was poisoning the country I loved. People’s fear of change was causing children to be locked in cages, parishioners to be gunned down in churches and hate groups to become the loudest and most influential voice at the table.”


“Simple Treasures, Memoirs of a 39er”

Kelli, it was so fun being in your class! Of course, it had been awhile since I put pen to paper and I did have a knock-down drag-out with the pictures. Now I know it was all totally worth it! Thank you for all your guidance and encouragement! Love, Charlotte.

Charlotte Richmond

“A Life Lived on My Terms, From India to America Spanning 12,000 Miles”

I also want to thank my mentor and initial editor, Kelli Wheeler, who taught what to write and what not to write. She continuously corrected my drafts and gave sage advice, encouragement and inspiration.

Indru Kriplani

“Never Forget Where You Came From”

We would like to thank Kelli Wheeler for providing the guidance we needed to make this memoir possible. Without her help, it would not have become a reality.

Elaine and Alan Cooperman

I have learned so much

Kelli, thank you for sharing your talents with the class. I have learned so much about writing from you.

Bobbie Lou Hunt

“A Shy Canadian Farm Girl Travels the Word, And Gets a Real Education!”

This memoir would not have reached the written stage without the guidance and help of Kelli Wheeler, Writing Instructor, Author, Freelance Writer and a true friend. I so appreciated her guidance and technical help.

Joan Dornan

“Sylvia Sue Smith, A Memoir”

…I’d like to thank Kelli Wheeler, my memoir instructor, for her guidance, encouragement and advice on this spiritual and memorable journey.

Sylvia Smith

“Opening Curtains, Letting in the Light and Finding My Path to Love, Music and Fulfillment”

It was the summer of 2020 when we were all shutdown and staying home during the COVID Pandemic. We met weekly and found that our teacher-coach-cheerleader was Kelli Wheeler, Writing Instructor, Author, and Freelance Writer. Through her help and inspiration, this book was written.

Margo Scandella

I have so much to thank you for

I have so much to thank you for. When I started your class, I had somewhat of an idea
of how I was going to do Willie’s book. After starting your class, I had so much more to
say. I hope it will be a learning tool, especially for young people. Hugs.

Anita Llamas

I am very grateful…

Kelli, you have been an inspiration and a blessing to me. I am very grateful for all your supportive help. Many hugs.

Margaret France

Writing Therapy

I’ve found that everyone has an interesting story to tell. I jokingly refer to Kelli’s classes as my Writing Therapy. In truth, writing has helped me sort out and better understand my experiences in life.

Karen Jensen

It means so much to me to have this opportunity to write.

I wanted to tell you how thankful I am for you and for our class. It means so much to me to have this opportunity to write. Thank you for all that you do to make our class such a wonderful, welcoming, encouraging, productive experience. I am enjoying it so much! You are the best!

Shirley Mouer

“Risk to Rise”

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the energy you put into each class.
We come in thinking that no one will ever want to read “our story” and go out thinking
we may be receiving the Pulitzer Prize in literature soon. Without your encouragement
and forward directed prompts each week I would still be back at the ‘I was born on a
dark, stormy night’ stage.

Barbara Killeen, Risk to Rise

Thank you, Kelli.

Thank you, Kelli. You have given me the tools to tell the stories of my life and the stories of the people in my life.

Elaine Bick

Best kind of teacher

You have been the best kind of teacher – one who inspires us to learn more!

Regan Johnson
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